However, if after taking the central stem out you happen to have some olive oil, sea salt, and nutritional yeast on hand, you can make a crunchy,slightly nutty, salty snack that is VERY addicting!
Once the central stem is removed, you just need to toss the kale leaves with the above ingredients until they are all coated with the oil (not dripping) and have a nice sprinkling of salt and nutritional yeast on them. I pop mine in the dehydrator for about 45 minutes, but you can also put them under a broiler for a few minutes. Just make sure that you check on them so that they don't burn...burnt kale smells "nasty" as the Seeker had no problem informing me before we had the dehydrator!
The finished result doesn't look much different than what you started with:
But is sure is much more enjoyable!!
Once I start eating these, my body actually craves them and it is hard for me to stop (it's also hard for the Hippie Kids to stop, they ask for them constantly when they're in the house)! We also like to crunch them up over salads and pasta dishes to boost the nutritional value even more.
Be Well,

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