Since my last post I have done much soul searching trying to figure out why I even started this darn thing. Well, in all honesty it was to be a "scrapbook" of sorts since I no longer have time for the "paper pushing" kind of scrappin' that I love (sorry, Babe, I know you want me to go digital but there's just something about the feel of the paper and embellishments in my hands that I can't leave behind). I now know that I would like for my blogging to be a record of us; who we are, and why we are raising our family the way that we are.
We are a family of 5: Hip(pie) Mama,my wonderful Go-With-The-Flow Husband , and our 3 amazing sons: The Seeker, The Risk-Taker, and The Explorer.
I promise, we don't usually color-coordinate!
One of our missions in this life is to give our boys all of the tools that they will need in order to become amazing men. We do this through various routes and you will find many of them explored through this blog.
We live as much of a holistic lifestyle as possible, and I must say that my Go-With-The-Flow Husband has been amazing in this aspect and listening to my ideas and research and helping me implement them, or giving me the tools I need in order to see my ideas to fruition. He had NO IDEA what he was getting into when our hearts connected.
I've always been a bit of a hip(pie), my Mom and Grandmother like to say that I was born in the wrong generation. In high-school I really started to embrace the type of lifestyle that I now live. Of course, I was de-railed here and there, but the ideals have always stayed with me. Once I had my own children it became very apparent to me that I needed to follow the path that had been set for me when I first fell on it all of those years before.
So, hear we are. A happy, holistic-minded, organic eating, raw-milk drinking, homeschooling, gardening/preserving, all around "crunchy" family. Now, that doesn't mean that I can't sport my beloved 17 year-old Birkenstocks and sport a fancy pedicure to boot...after all, I am a Hip(pie) Mama!!