I must admit that it is due to an addiction that supplies immediate satisfaction that I have not updated my blog. This addiction is called "Facebook". Ok, I guess it's not really an addiction since I can go a day or two without logging in. But the immediate satisfaction is not a lie. I can post my thoughts at a moments notice for all of my friends to see and they can respond to me if they wish. It took me awhile to jump on that bandwagon, but once I did I was hooked.
Anyway, since I have been lax in my updates, the month of June shall take the form of several haiku (thanks for the idea, Sarah!)...quick and to the point. Here we go:
Baby boy breaks free
Four years old no training wheels
Growing up too fast

Middle one turns eight
Day at the zoo was his plan
Animal lover

Oldest son jumps in
Open water half a mile
Finishes sixth of twenty-four
Garden is growing
Lots of work in store for me
Rain makes weeds grow fast

Busy month for us
Hopefully we can slow down
Unlikely forecast